Welcome. 28 June 2017

The main thing we’ve always wanted to do is to spread positivity. Major or minor, you're never too busy to help someone. Whether it's promoting something someone is doing, or giving someone a compliment and empowering them, or taking a minute to listen to their story. Even if it’s just listening to remind someone that they’re not alone. We’re all looking for the same thing in life and are always in the pursuit of happiness. Everything you do can affect someone in a positive way. We think it would have a huge impact if more people took a focused approach to making someone else's life even a tad bit better or easier. Remind someone that they're great at what they’re doing. Instill confidence. Teach integrity and empathy. Find the things that inspire you and keep adding fuel to those fires. Do away with cynicism and promote optimism in every scenario. As cheesy as it is, we want to change the world and make it a better place for everyone. Period. Start today and make someone's day better.

Welcome to the Good Future Club. Everyone's welcome.
